Between the Danube and the Russian River: A collaborative English classroom project between schools in California and Budapest.
Poem ideas:
Write a poem from the third person point of view. Maybe make it a love or hate poem. What do you like and/or dislike about yourself. 
3/10/2013 07:54:25 am

Make a war, cause nothing:
That's the human being.
Everybody live for himself
Can't do anything else.

I hate the teacher, the lawyers.
I hate the world, all of the people.
I hate the world, because everywhere is hurt,
People can't cleen their soul, it's dirt.

4/3/2013 09:05:17 am

I like your grim outlook on society. I think everyone sometimes feels this way.

4/23/2013 04:25:18 am

I like how you explain how you truly feel, how things in life really get to you, and how direct this poem is. Well done.

noel mckeever
4/24/2013 02:50:03 am

the perspective reveals so much honesty and truth, i commend your effort.


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    After closely reading the poems on the left, do your very best to use Jozsef's poems to inspire your own. Model your poems after his. Click the red "comments" Iink and post your poem that imitates Jozsef's in form, theme, and feeling.
    Click here to upload file