Between the Danube and the Russian River: A collaborative English classroom project between schools in California and Budapest.
12.A - Kelemen Bendegúz & Szabó Gergely
Dorka Repkényi
4/5/2013 09:46:16 pm

I liked the idea of interviewing Attila József in this modern way! Where did it come from?

Mark B
4/7/2013 04:13:57 pm

was he always this depressing?

Dylan Geasland
4/8/2013 11:00:13 am

I thought this idea was very creative using modern technology that everyone can relate to. How did you come up with this idea?

Preston Bernd
4/8/2013 11:53:44 am

This was such a creative way to do this! What made you think for this idea?

Zackery McMurray
4/8/2013 11:08:47 pm

I really liked the idea of incorporating modern technology into this. I never would have thought to use FaceBook in a school project, yet it is such a great idea!

Haley MacPhail
4/9/2013 09:53:47 am

Did it take time to do this? What made you think of the idea?

Alina Robello
4/10/2013 02:12:16 pm

Wow. This was so great! I love the incorporation of modern technology that everyone is familiar with into a project like this. What inspired you to do that?

Angus Geary
4/24/2013 02:19:13 am

Wow this was a great idea. How did you come up with this? Good job.


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