Between the Danube and the Russian River: A collaborative English classroom project between schools in California and Budapest.
4/15/2013 08:08:23 am

“If I can’t be a big tree”
(after reading “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” by William Wordsworth)

If I can’t be a big tree
I will be a grass under your knee,
Decorating the world.
Contrasting the grand beauty
Beneath the tree, beside the sea.

Still, maintain the ground as a grand tree.
I will enjoy the sunshine from the shade.
Drinking the sweet dew.
Reading the fragrant.
On the rock in the prairie

When the wild wind blows me down
When the flood submerges me
When the people step on me

I am strong
I am persistent
Just for decorating the world.

4/22/2013 06:08:05 am


I find poetry rather boring
When we study it in class
It always leaves me snoring
But I’m still trying to pass.
Through all of the poetry we have read
They all leave me with the same thought
I would much rather be dead
Than enjoy these poems you have brought.
This poem is supposed to be
A total of 16 lines
But of course you can see
There are only 12 but that’s fine.

Austin & Haley
4/22/2013 06:28:06 am


the green leaves sway
the white clouds float
the brown twigs lie quietly
as my black ink pen states a quote

the blue water falls
as it dissolves upon the grey rock
the colourful paintings portrayed as the world
as it’s written in chalk

the white piece of paper
is filled with clear blanks
as the orange sun
shimmers off the river banks

the yellow pencils tapping
the red vans knocking against the hard ground
the teal sticky note is passed around
as the students release their inner hound

Scott, Angus, Noel & Chad
4/22/2013 06:30:32 am


The smooth blanket of water glistens in the sunlight
The rocks sheet earth’s mattress
Drifting wood rest upon the water
Ripples send if traveling further down
The sand feels like a cloud on your feet
I lie there basking in the sun
The wind vacuums old odors
The wind brings in summer smells
Monkey’s swing from the treetops
Lizards take in sun on the rocks
Listening to summer chimes
As I dive into the water
The water opens up to let me in
As I get out everyone stares
The wind ruffles the leaves
I lie there and soak up the sun

4/22/2013 06:31:06 am


Love is like a flower
Takes time to develop
Starting from a bud
To a vibrant colorful creation.
Some take time to fully grow
Even blossom to full,
Others like a firework
Bursting from the roots from inside
Instantly budding of nowhere or anywhere
Come to life, appearing before you
You don’t plan on feeling or seeing
Things you do, it comes naturally
Without trying or doing
Once or maybe twice in a lifetime
You’re lucky enough to experience it.
Other times it can be like a wind
You can’t see it but you can feel it.

4/22/2013 06:31:53 am


I have a dog
She is not a frog

She is a lab
and is never mad

She likes to play catch
She doesn’t play in a tennis match

Her name is Clover
She doesn’t drive a Range Rover

She is fat
does not wear a hat

She likes to eat
mostly meat

She has a friend
She wants to start a trend

His name is Rolly
He knows Sarah Holly


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